Friday, October 11, 2013

Before and After

And this is why you should move out of the Auto mode on your DSLR. With it on Auto: And with it in just Aperature mode: See the difference in warmth? Tone? Take a risk, turn some knobs. You can always take extra and hope for a happy accident.... Or even just watch some youtube videos even!


  1. I don't think I have a distinct auto mode on my camera. I always thought aperture priority and auto were the same thing. :'(

  2. Maria, I believe you shoot withe a Nikon D5000 and yes you have both, an Aperture priority and Auto setting.

    Auto says "Auto" and is green color with an icon of a camera underneath it. This is much different than Aperture mode, which is the "A" between the M and S on your dial.

    Let me know if I can help more!


You're not a monkey, so type already!